About Us

Colorado Rural Rehabilitation Corporation


7900 E. Union Ave
Denver, CO 80237

Livestock Loans


Colorado Rural Rehabilitation Corporation (CRRC) was established in 1934. Today the corporation is still providing affordable livestock and real estate loans. The loans are offered as noncompetitive, additional sources for funds to help Colorado farm and ranch families achieve their goals.

Each loan application is individually reviewed by the CRRC Loan Committee.  Applications for loans are through CRRC Loan Representatives.

Board of Directors
Matt Heimerich, President
Olney Springs, CO

Richard Mann, Vice President
Stratton, CO

Kenneth Miller, Sec./Tres.
Fort Lupton, CO

Tate Rusk, rusktw@gmail.com
Westcliffe, CO

Bud Weiss
Grand Junction, CO

Steve Nein
Ovid, CO

Mary Mahon

Executive Secretary
Lisa Barber

Proud Sponsors of The Colorado State University Foundation and The Colorado FFA Foundation

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Contact Us

Colorado Rural Rehabilitation Corporation
7900 E. Union Ave #200
Denver, CO 80237
Phone: (303) 283-6870

Denver Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday - 8:30-12:30
Additional hours available by appointment